Hansano | Relaunch PITCHWINNER
Background | The Taste of northern germany.
Hansano is the Northern Dairy Farm. It has about 50 years of tradition. The company asked BrawandRieken to create a new Packaging Design and bringing this northern tratdition to the dairy aisle.
Solution | My Idea was to bring the northern german pattern to life. By using the traditional blue-white stripes pattern, people are directly connected to northern Germany. I also adds a modern twist to the whole dairy range in Germany. The design creates a strong shelf impact and a clear and easy navigation.
The Client directly fell in Love with the approach

Due to several internal issues, finally this winning design was sadly not implemented. But I´m still proud of it!

Role | Freelance Concept & Design
Agency | BrawandRieken Communications
The winning Concept "Northern stripes"
Playing with the milk and creating a milk landscape.
Using a new landscape on Pack, in Style of typical northern illustrations
(just concept Illustrations seen in scribbles), like e.g. the ones from former Illustrator Werner Schinko.
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